The time it takes to load your website or a webpage is more important than ever. Readers and customers expect high quality images, content, and functionality on your website while the tolerance for long load times is ever decreasing. As a result, page speed has come into great focus in the past several years and with the endless number of tools and discussions about site speed, it’s difficult to focus in on how to make your WordPress website faster.
In this complete guide, we’ll go over:
The philosophy behind website speed.
The factors that affect speed.
What you can do to speed up your WordPress website. Jordison Jordison2021-01-01 08:00:302021-01-27 06:04:12WordPress Speed Guide (2021) - How to Speed Up WordPress
Looking for a great way to increase interaction, encourage repeat visitors, and enhance your content? Seek out ways to use a poll plugin or voting plugin for WordPress.
See our list of the best poll plugins and voting plugins for WordPress in 2021.
There are a lot of options when choosing a tool run a website speed test. If you’d like to know the different (and best) methods available today, check out our Ultimate WordPress Speed Guide.
We also did an in-depth look at optimizing your speed using Pingdom, another popular speed test tool. Today, we’re going to look into GTMetrix, whose information many users find confusing. It’s very technical but it’s possible for the average WordPress user to use GTMetrix to improve the speed of any website.
XML-RPC has been the method of choice for many hackers. The term may sound too technical for a majority of WordPress users but in short, XML-RPC an API that allows you to publish posts without having to be logged in to your WordPress admin. The benefits of XML-RPC is that it allows third-party applications like JetPack to push content and commands to your WordPress site, creating a more streamlined experience for users like yourself. Read more Runion Runion2019-10-18 17:53:082019-10-18 17:53:08Disable XML-RPC API in WordPress
When websites are hacked, lines of code are typically injected into existing files through the WordPress admin. If you become the unfortunate victim of a hack, you can still prevent the most common attacks by preventing anyone from editing your files – your last line of defense when the worst happens. Read more
Most of the time, when you set up a new WordPress site, you’re set up with an administrator account whose username is “admin.” It’s the default setting for WordPress. This is problematic for a number of reasons. Read more Runion Runion2019-08-09 06:48:292019-08-09 06:51:13Don't Use Admin As Your Username
If you’re using a plugin that provides some level of protection or monitors all login attempt activity such as Loginizer, you might be getting tons of email notifications about failed login attempts. If it’s really bad, you might be getting hundreds of these email notifications every week. Runion Runion2018-09-21 06:58:472018-09-21 07:23:27Hide the WordPress Login URL - The Best Plugins
Every WordPress website has a need to send email. We’re not talking about the emails that you write through your Gmail account, but rather the automatic emails that your website sends every time something happens such as an order confirmation email to your customers or an email notification to you when someone submits a form on your site. Jordison Jordison2018-08-24 17:02:112018-08-24 17:02:11How to Set Up WordPress Email for All Websites
The WordPress ecosystem is supported by hundreds of thousands of theme developers and plugin developers. There’s a free plugin for anything and everything. However, you can also significantly enhance your WordPress site through the use of free third-party tools, plugins or not. Here is a list of free tools you can use for your WordPress site, whether you’re writing a blog or running an online business. Koo Koo2018-06-03 17:32:262018-07-13 17:47:37Free Tools and Services for Every WordPress Website
Depending on your site, whether you run a business or you’re a blogger, there can be a lot of different warnings that show up in your Pingdom page speed test report. Below is a list separated by sections to help you correct a majority if not all of the warnings you may see. If we miss anything, and I’m sure we will because Pingdom can very well change some things here and there, let us know in the comments section below and we’ll add it to the article. Jordison Jordison2018-03-29 18:09:292018-06-16 18:36:10How to Fix Every Pingdom Page Speed Test Warning